The Group Stages and Purposes of Team Building Exercises


What are the Objectives of Team Building? This is a difficult query with various possible responses and some controversy surrounding its purpose and value.

Here, I will explain the purpose of team development. First, however, consider that team-building activities will only be beneficial if it is well-executed. Therefore, after determining the purpose of your programme, you should take the time to locate a great programme that matches your objectives.

The Stages Of A Group

Before focusing on the purpose of team building, it is essential to comprehend who your team is and where it is in its development. I enjoy the classic outline of the fundamental phases of team development. 


In the initial phase, your team will form. Then, to accomplish an objective, a workgroup is assembled. As you debate and plan the team’s mission, objectives, and workflow, getting to know your coworkers and familiarising yourself with the team’s purpose is essential.


The storming phase can be tumultuous as team members evaluate one another’s personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities. During the surging phase, engaging in a team-building activity may be prudent. It is crucial to emerge from this phase with a healthy appreciation for your team members.


How will your team operate consistently? Do you acknowledge that your team may contain competition and differences? Can everyone embrace the strengths and weaknesses of coworkers? Discovering a way forward in which you can all work in tandem is essential.


Every team’s objective is to function as a high-functioning, purposeful unit. This occurs when team members have mutual respect and boundaries that respect each other’s roles. In addition, everyone must have faith in one another’s competence and expertise.

Purposes of Team Building

The purpose of team building is to increase or maintain trust, communication, collaboration, and motivation. 


This is so crucial. Not only is trust calming, but it also saves time. Trust is essential. When a team is built on a foundation of trust, there is less second-guessing, less task duplication, a high level of confidence, and more sharing. So many things are associated with one word. Consider how much simpler it is to delegate responsibilities to others when you have complete faith in their abilities. Consider how much more secure you feel in your role when you have faith that others will not invade your territory. 


Your team at work exists in the physical universe. Even with a foundation of trust, things can and will inevitably go haywire. A team with a communication protocol can address problems before they become ingrained in the team’s culture. There should be effective channels for colleagues to express concern or annoyance. Positive communication will go a long way in resolving minor issues before they become major ones. And communication protocol provides a map for navigating more complex issues that may be project-driven and not simply the consequence of a personality conflict.


Collaboration is significantly facilitated by an atmosphere of trust and effective communication. Collaboration is enjoyable when team members respect one another’s roles and responsibilities. This benefits everyone. High-performing teams collaborate effectively; they share ideas, brainstorms, successes, and failings without difficulty. Collaboration is effective because it feeds on itself. The more successfully you collaborate, the more you will desire to do so. 


Motivation is both a potent and elusive force. Frequently, the primary objective of team building programmes is to increase motivation. However, this is not so simple to accomplish. To maintain motivation, members of a team must believe in their mission. You will not remain motivated if you do not believe in your task. Engagement is crucial in this regard. Employees feel invested in their company and work when a culture of engagement is fostered. Therefore, engagement and motivation are synonymous. Team building can enhance both of these factors.

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